
Hello, I am Josua here. I was creating my own MDX based blog, which is a cool way to create blog post, because I can focus on creating the content while still manage the layout and style of the page without touching any technical stuff, like HTML tags or React Components. Well, actually I still need to use React Component here, and that is the reason why I implement MDX instead of conventional Markdown.

By the way, talking about MDX, I will tell you more about MDX file.

What is MDX?

MDX or React Markdown, is a superset of markdown, which make use of react components inside a normal markdown. The term of MDX itself comes after React file use the extension with a pattern of appending a letter X after the normal languange extension, such as .js to .jsx for Javascript and .ts to .tsx for Typescript.

Writing content in markdown actually is enough. But, some peoples find out that the components they were created for other page are unused, because there is no way to use it in a markdown file. This is why MDX comes in handy to solve that problem. Because, we now can use the component directly, just like in a normal .jsx file.

Another advantage of MDX is you can define a variable like in Javascript, and use it by wrapping the variable between { and }, just like how you normally use variable inside JSX. For example:

const name = "MDX";

I use **{name}** because I found {name} is so good.
// Result: I use MDX because I found MDX is so good.

MDX is considered a programming languange by the official documentation. So, be careful if you are going to let your user to type in MDX, since MDX can evaluate the code like a normal Javascript file.

Install MDX and Start Using It

If you are using React, you don't need to install anything, as it already supported out of the box. Optionally, you can install @mdx-js/react if you want to use MDX Component (I will tell about it next the section).

npm install @mdx-js/react

// if you use yarn
yarn add @mdx-js/react

For other framework, you can refer to their official documentation.


To use MDX, you need to use ESM and Node.js v12 or above in your project. It is because MDX is ESM-only.

MDX Component

MDX also offers a nice way to use your react component, called MDX Component. It is a way to convert the HTML tag result of the converted markdown to your react component.

For example, let's say you have a Link component. Now, when you want to use it in your MDX file, you would like to import it and use it like this example below.

// link.js
export const link = ({ href, children }) => (
	<a href={href} className="no-underline text-red-500" target="_blank">

// index.js
import Link from 'components/link.js';

<Link href="">A clickable link</Link>

Of course, it is already nice. But, it is also a bit exhausting if you need to write that every time you need to make a link. Although it was one of the use of MDX, but why did you want to do that, when there is an easy way to solve it?


It is more preferable to use react component directly for some component, since markdown only support default text formatting to HTML tag, like **...** to <strong>..</strong>. It doesn't have a way to write a progress bar or an input field, for example.

This is what the use MDX Component. You can just tell the MDX to use that react component every time they encounter a markdown link like below.

[a text](

// then it is converted by mdx to use your react component
<Link href="">a text</Link>

// and then, react render it as plain HTML

To use it, first you need a .jsx or .tsx file where you import the components you want. You also can do it inside your main app file. There, you create an object that contain the tag name as key and a function to use the react component as value. It should like this.

import Link from 'component/link.js';

export const myMDXComponent = {
	a: ({ href, children }) => (
		<Link href={href}>{children}</Link>
	// you can add other component too

Then, you need to add and wrap your main app with <MDXProvider> tag inside your app.js or app.ts. Here, I use the example in next.js. But, it is still pretty similar to normal react.

export const App = ({ Component, props }) => (
	<MDXProvider components={myMDXComponent}>
		<Component {...props} />

And then you can start writing your markdown without needing to import those basic text formatting component.


It is some advantages of using MDX inside your JSX based projects. It offers a convenient way to enhance your markdown. Don't forget to check their documentation for deeper explanation and more example.