
When developing a website, we always encounter a design step. This step is aimed to create a good and comfortable UI for the users, so it gives a better user experience. Designing the UI also intended to show the brand of the website or the company that owned the website. But, should we design everything in the website? Or just design some and left the other as is? To know the answer, let's read the explanation below.

Commonly Designed Elements

During web designing, there are some elements that is commonly designed, like <header>, <input>, etc. This was intended to give styles to those elements, because the elements previously not have any design. For example, <header>, <footer>, and <div>. There are some elements that already have their own design although still a default-looking style, redesigned to give a better UX. For example, <button>, <input>, and <h1>.

Designing those elements are just like a must when designing a website, because in the web design process, those are always be the focus. Priotizing to design on those elements is not without any purpose, because those elements are the main elements, where those element always be seen by the uses and user interaction also exists in some of those elements. So, designing the UI very well will provides good UX and clearly display the brand.

Not all of the designed elements are fully redesigned, there are some elements that are only partially designed. For example, on <button> and <input>, there is an outline that will not be redesigned and is left as it is. This aims to provide accessibility that will affect UX. Even so, there are also few developers who deliberately remove it with the aim of not breaking the well-designed UI. This is of course not good, because it reduces accessibility of the website, so leaving it without any redesign would be much better.

Rarely Designed Elements

After elements that are commonly designed, there are also elements that is rarely designed. For example, a scrollbar. Scrollbar was rarely designed because of the difference of each browser process css and also the difference of the devices, such as desktop and mobile browser. As an example, in webkit based browser, such as Chrome, Safari, and Edge, scrollbar can be designed by using these css code:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
	/* width will applied to the vertical scroll bar */
	width: 8px;

	/* height will applied to the horizontal scroll bar */
	height: 8px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
	background-color: rgb(213 220 227 / 1);
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
	background-color: rgb(102 121 255 / 1);

While in Firefox browser, that code can't be used to style the scrollbar. To do so, we can use the preferred way, which make use the code below that is the semantic way to style scrollbar.

:root {
	scrollbar-width: thin;
	/* the code below is the "track color" and "thumb color" */
	scrollbar-color: rgb(213 220 227 / 1) rgb(102 121 255 / 1);

But, in Opera browser, those 2 ways can't be implemented to style the scrollbar, because there is no support to style scrollbar in that browser at the time of writing this article.

In mobile phone browsers, the styling of the scrollbar will follow it's desktop browser's style. But, the styling can't be applied only to main scrollbar, because it has the auto-hide scrollbar and the browser already set up to not accept modifying of the main scrollbar.

Because many things must be did to style the scrollbar, many developers choose to let it as it is. This is not only happened to scrollbar, but for some other elements too, such as radio input, checkbox, color picker, etc. That's why some websites have default looking elements in there.

Should Those Elements Be Designed?

The real answer is depends on your need. But, my advice is just let it as it is, if it don't ruin your UI design. You might ever heard "don't touch if it works" phrase and that is true if applied here. In many web development, it is better to keep the default styles, because it can provides good UX. It also need more time to redesign and test the element in every browser to make sure it works as intended.

My advice is not a must, it is fine if you want to redesign those element, especially if you want it to match your brand style. But, remember to make sure it will works in other browsers and devices, especially the old ones.


Designing element is a must during web development, so the elements used that already have their own style will be redesigned to match the planned UI design. But, some elements are rarely to be designed because they need extra care. So, in many cases are not designed, because there is no problem will happened if not modified. Although, it's not bad to redesign it, especially if the original design is a problem to the planned UI or even the UX.