
TriTravel is a mini project I created to accomplish RevoU's Software Engineer Fundamental Course assignment. RevoU is a revolutionary online course, which they offer 2 weeks (10 days) of free course as introduction, which I joined just to refresh my knowledge in the basic web development. This project itself is about creating a website for a travel agency by slicing the mockup and following the brief given.

The Requirements

In this project, although I am allowed to create it with whatever I like freely, but I must follow some requirements. These requirements are specified in the brief, such as:

  1. Follow the mockup layout and must style it with plain css (no framework).
  2. The header navigation must follow these:
    • Home must link to the hero banner section.
    • Our Package must link to our package section.
    • Call Us must link to call us section.
  3. Implement auto-slide hero banner with vanilla.js (no framework).
  4. Implement basic client-side form validation with javascript (no framework).
  5. Must have index.html and style.css.

Those features I said above must not use any framework and just plain css and js. It was intentionally to make sure the learner know the fundamental and not "just use X framework" to solve it.